Tomi's diving blog

Finnish beginner diver writing about diving related stuff and logging dives.

In seek of warmth!

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Today it was time to prepare for the cold dives ahead...
By cold I mean water temperature of +2--4 degrees celsius. This means the gear is getting at its limits and therefore needs to be adjusted to these temperatures. I don't know how to do this, but this is what the "big boys" say.

To the point, please... Right?

The local diving store didn't have all the stuff I wanted so I was "forced" to make a little roundtrip to Helsinki-area visiting THE divestore called Sukellusluola and some other stores.

Here's what I came home with

Undersuit: Weezle Extreme+ .The warmest Weezle has and at the same time the most used undersuit here.

The boots were recommended by a fellow diver: Weezle Extreme thermal boots. They seem really warm!

An on top of the all... A bungee mount for Suunto Vyper!

Thank you Sukellusluola for having all the stuff I neede in stock, for the nice prices and smiles and last but not least, for tips and tricks!

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